Appointments are for continuing clients only. If you would be a new client, please contact Carol Cole LCSW directly by completing the email form below including a detailed note as to why you are seeking therapy. Thanks!
Schedule your appointments online at a time convenient to you. Not only can you make your own appointments instantly, you can also check the date and time of your next appointment, how many times and dates you have seen Carol Cole, and how many appointments you have remaining. You can also go online and change or even cancel your upcoming appointment (at least 24 hours notice, not including weekends and holidays to avoid a missed appointment session full charge. This can be performed on your computer, laptop, notebook or smartphone with an internet connection.
However, if you would prefer to phone and leave a voicemail, that is absolutely fine, as well. Whatever works best for you. (951) 506-0560.
Note: If you are unable to find an appointment to suit your schedule please contact Ms. Cole by email box below, identifying your hours and dates of availability.
If you would like to make an appointment now, or check for availability, please click on the “Schedule Now” button below:
If you are scheduling an appointment for a child or spouse, please register in their name, even though the email and phone number may be yours. If you wish, your name can be entered in “Message to your service provider”.